the Rolfing Ten-Series

Rolfing® Structural Integration - Rolfer® Christi Mueller


The Rolfing® Ten-Series is a process that systematically balances and optimizes both the structure (alignment) and function (movement) of the entire body over the course of multiple Structural Integration sessions. Each session strategically focuses on different areas of the anatomy to create balance and works within each area to reduce strain and improve the relationship to the rest of the body.

While each session may have a focus, all sessions incorporate what’s currently happening for the client with the goal that over time, we are increasing your adaptability and maximizing the potential of your system.   

The Rolfing® Ten-Series sessions are typically characterized as having three sections: the Outer/Sleeve, the Core, and the Integrative sessions. All sessions include relative integrative work and movement awareness and education.  

Sessions 1-3: The Outer/Sleeve Sessions
S1 - Prepares the body for the Rolfing series. Enhances the quality of breath through work on the ribcage and shoulders. Opening is also started in the hips and upper legs.
S2 - Creates a new foundation for the body by addressing the feet, lower legs, and knees.
S3 - Establishes a sense of the front and back of the body by working the side line. Introduces an understanding of how the head, shoulder girdle, and hips are positioned in relation to each other.

Sessions 4-7: The Core Sessions
S4 - Introduces a mid-line by working the inside arch of the foot and up the inner line of the leg, extending up to the bottom of the pelvis.
S5 - Balances surface and deep abdominal and lower torso muscles including the psoas muscles and low back.
S6 - Addresses the support and movement from the legs, pelvis and lower back via the sacrum.
S7 - Addresses the head to body relationship with work on the shoulders, neck, jaw, and head.

Sessions 8-10: Whole Body Integration
S8 and S9 - These sessions are unique to each client dependent on 10-Series goals for that individual. One session will be on the upper body while the other will be done on the lower body.
S10 - Solidifies a sense of order for the body and brings the series to a close by balancing the horizontals and the structural relationships as a whole.

Christi Mueller, Certified Rolfer™